Big People Party - Farmer Nappy's Album Release
It’s official. Farmer Nappy’s “Big People Party” album is out! Last night, the soca star took to the stage at SOBs and wowed the crowd with an unforgettable show to promote the album. Although I arrived to a sparse turnout at 7:45pm, the Lower East Side club was soon filled with soca fans. These were no Farmer Nappy neophytes; they were able to sing along to his recent hits like “Stranger,” “You Make Me,” as well as Xtatik throwbacks like “Music Farm." Although he has been in the industry from a very young age, Nappy has not lost his ability to provide an energetic stage show (something some soca stars still struggle to do).
Farmer Nappy cds on sale at SOBs
If you have ever been to a concert - soca or otherwise - you know that there is something about having a live band on stage as opposed to an artist singing along to tracks. Well, Farmer Nappy managed to assemble a team of skilled musicians from around the Caribbean to help him convey his groovy sound. Keyboardist Darien Bailey of Studio B out of Barbados has accompanied various soca artists, including Nappy's longtime friend and bandmate Machel Montano. Grenadian bass man Shawn "Roots" Mitchell, of Mr. Roots Productions, brings his skills to the band. Melvin Alick, drummer and self-described burgeoning songwriter, out of Barbados. And, the man Nappy says is responsible for his hit "Surrender" (which landed him an MTV Iggy award) Scott Galt, of the Barbadian producer group, De Red Boyz, brings his guitar skills to this new band as well. With the amount of talent and experience on the stage last night, is it a wonder that people lined up to purchase the album on the spot?
DysChick and Farmer Nappy at SOBs
I must admit that I did not even realize how many of my favorite soca songs Farmer Nappy is responsible for, but as he performed each one, I found myself singing along, jumping up, or wining low. Along with fans and guest artist Lady G. (who collaborated with him on a "Surrender" remix), it was great to see the Team Soca family out in force to support the album release! Shouts to DJ Spice, Spoil Bratz, Freeze International, Soca Boyz, and Dr. Jay who flew in from Toronto to emcee the event. I know it is not a good idea to head to work on a Monday exhausted because you were partying until 12:30am the night before, but I don't care. I drank, I danced, I had a ball!
Keep an eye out for more Team Soca events, including DJ Spice’s Baby Blue Boat Ride and Supa Roy’s I Love Soca boat ride. Leh we go!